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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Great Soccer Is Played Here!

Fall Season

You're Wanted! Become a Volunteer

AYSO is run 100% by volunteers. This includes our coaches, our referees, and ... our Board Members. We are currently looking for a handful of highly motivated volunteers to join the Region 84 Board for the positions listed below.

In addition to the responsibilities listed below for each position, you would also be invited to attend our monthly board meetings and help lead the Region.

Available Positions:

Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate:  We have one CVPA for the Region, but are looking to add another one. The CVPA, among other things, ensures that all volunteers have completed their child safety certifications and background requirements. For more information about the CVPA role, click here.

Special Events Coordinator:  The Special Events Coordinator is a new position that would oversee the coordination of 3 annual special events for the Region: (1) Meet the Coach Day in late summer; (2) Photo Day in early Fall; and (3) the Volunteer Party in late Fall. This position may also help coordinate some aspects of the Mission Viejo Classic Tournament in late spring/early summer (e.g., coordinating food trucks) and also coordinate food for the monthly board meetings.

Registrar:  We are looking to add 1-2 Registrars to our Registrar team. Registrars create the registration platforms for each season and are responsible for ensuring that all players and coaches are properly registered and assigned to teams. They also process cancellations and refunds, verify player birthdates, create and distribute medical release forms and ID cards, activate players from the waitlist, activate teams and distribute rosters, and communicate with parents and volunteers about registration issues. For more information about the Registrar role, click here.

Treasurer:  The Treasurer is responsible for acting within the scope of AYSO’s financial policies, procedures and guidelines to safeguard and report on the Region’s monies and assets. For more information about the Treasurer position, click here.

Program Managers (aka Division Coordinator):  We are always looking for new Program Managers in our Region. If you are interested, please reach out – our goal would be to have you shadow a current program manager for a season or two before taking one on your own. Here’s more info about some of the responsibilities: Each division for boys and girls (e.g., Girls 9U) has a manager that oversees the division. They help recruit coaches in that division, and assist coaches with getting certified. They distribute uniforms, organize a field setup/tear down schedule, communicate news and updates to the coaches, and help resolve issues within the division. For more information about the Program Manage role, click here.

If you are (or even might be) interested in any of these positions, please contact our Brian Richey, our Regional Commissioner at [email protected].

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Contact Us

AYSO Region 84

P.O. Box 6080-178 
Mission Viejo, California 92690

Email Us: [email protected]
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